Lifestyle | Catch Up With Me | When Good Things Fall Apart… Staying Positive Through Tough Times

Hi everyone. As you can probably tell from the title… This week hasn’t been my week! I believe it was only a mere couple of weeks ago that I excitedly wrote about looking forward to Birmingham Animé & Gaming Con and competing in the UK Cosplay Championship.

It is now, with a heavy heart, I have to announce that I’m no longer attending the event, or competing in the championship.

I know you’re all wondering why – well, firstly, I’ll make it clear that dropping out was whole-heartedly my decision. I decided to drop out mainly because of Continue reading “Lifestyle | Catch Up With Me | When Good Things Fall Apart… Staying Positive Through Tough Times”

Lifestyle | Catch Up With Me | Pole Fun, Cosplay Conventions, & More!

Hi everyone! I just want to kick this post off with an apology for my blogging/social media absence. I’ve posted the odd tweet/Insta update, but because of the lack of actual blog content, I felt you guys deserved a proper explanation why I went kinda AWOL!

No need to worry though – I’m fine, I’ve just been SUPER BUSY. I’m a self-proclaimed workaholic, so most of my time I am working (I’m even writing this post in between clients, ironically!), and I tend to spend my little free-time with my family/boyfriend/friends/dogs. But in the midst of this whirlwind, I have some awesome plans ahead, which I’ll be sharing with you today… Yay! Continue reading “Lifestyle | Catch Up With Me | Pole Fun, Cosplay Conventions, & More!”