MCM London Comic Con HAUL VIDEO | Kawaii, Disney, Funko & MORE!

It’s true that it’s hard to go to a Comic Con and not come back with at least one or two goodies from the con floor – or, if you’re like me, you won’t resist getting a fair few items, enough to make a whole haul video, in fact! Continue reading “MCM London Comic Con HAUL VIDEO | Kawaii, Disney, Funko & MORE!”

Cruising In Style

Guess what – I’ve just got back from a cruise! You can read about my experience as a cruise ship first-timer here, or if watching videos are more your thing, here’s my style lookbook to feast your eyes upon! Continue reading “Cruising In Style”

MCM London Comic Con Haul

As always with big events such as cons, I love to bring a good merch haul home with me… And what bigger and better comic con than MCM London?! The event had some great offers and low prices, of which I just couldn’t refuse. If you missed my travel report from the day, you can read it here. You can also view my video from the day here, which features a tonne of other cool merch that was available. Continue reading “MCM London Comic Con Haul”